Lycium barbarum. US Nativity - Introduced to U.S. US/NA Plant - Yes. Scientific name: Lycium barbarum Common name: Goji Berry Origin: China The goji berry has its origin in China, and was introduced in Europe in the 18 th century. Chief Timothy Wildlife Management Area W of Clarkston, WA; 0.90 mi ENE of Silcott Isl; N 46.42446 W 117.16395; Asotin Co., WA; 4/22/2013 Solanaceae. Xiphinema bakeri. English: Duke of Argyll's teaplant; Spanish: coralillo (Chile) French: Lyciet a feuilles d'halimus; Local Common Names. Buy a License; Toggle navigation Buy a License Search. General information about Lycium barbarum (LYUHA) . Home; Hunting. 20160129Lycium barbarum2.jpg 3,000 2,250; 898 KB. 19 English-Gloria Mary. 30 Bayern Munich Squad / Player List 2020-21 . The plant is commercially appraised as a healthy 'superfood'. Lycium (Lycium barbarum) ALSO KNOWN AS: Gou qi zi, goji, gochi, wolfberry, lycium . E.H.L.Krause Jasminoides flaccidum Moench Lycium afrum Rchb. Common name (s): Goji, Chinese Wolfberry, Chinese Boxthorn and others. Lycium barbarum. . Lycium chinenese (Van Wyk and Wink, 2004) Geographic Distribution and Habitat. It acts mainly on the liver and kidneys. UKSI. Duke of Argyll's Teaplant preferred. Lycium barbarum. Lycium barbarum (L. halimifolium): insect pollination; fruit - berry; germination ability 50%, seeds germinate quickly; root suckers; secondary stands, resistant to . . common name(s) Duke of Argyll's teatree, goji berry, matrimony vine, ning xia gou qi, wolfberry: Lineage( full ) Lycium barbarum (goji, also called wolfberry and boxthorn) can be invasive (or at least aggressive) in some areas. Networks; Networks. Goji berry, also known as wolfberry, is a berry-type fruit from Lycium barbarum (goji is an approximation of the pronunciation of the Chinese name gouqizi). Plant name. Money Heist cast actual and screen name-John Dennis G.Thomas. Wolfberry, or goji berry, is the common name for the fruit of two closely related species, Lycium barbarum L. and Lycium chinense Mill. 8.1 Lycium barbarum in Traditional Chinese Medicine; 9 Background; 10 Nomenclature. Type. Big Game Seasons and Rules Lycium barbarum L.. Synonyms. Common Name. Lycium barbarum Lam. Lycium barbarum (Chinese box thorn) Common pest name. Di Gu Pi (Lycium barbarum) By Shane Peck August 20, 2022 No Comments. NCBI BLAST name: eudicots Rank: species . Botany-Lycium barbarum is a deciduous woody shrub growing 1-3 m high, with weak arching branches, and side branches often reduced to short leafless spines. Pertinent Synonyms & Notes (particularly those used in California; go to GRIN for other synonyms). AVH is a collaborative project of the state, Commonwealth and territory herbaria, developed under the auspices of the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH), representing the major Australian collections. Flowering Time: Apr--Aug Note: Plants with corolla tube lobes and +- hidden by calyx are Lycium chinense Mill., a waif or possibly naturalized in central SNF, ScV, SCo; formerly cultivated. The PLANTS Database includes the following 76 data sources of Lycium barbarum L. - Showing 1 to 25 . Wolfberry is a thorny shrub that originated in China. 11.1 . 7.1 Other Names: 8 Historical Use of Lycium barbarum. Our previous results showed that the polysaccharides extracted from Lycium barbarum (LBP) could delay secondary degeneration of retinal ganglion cell bodies and improve the function of the retinas . +8615829652931. Lycium has gained immense popularity in the United States over the past decade . It is one of two species of boxthorn in the family Solanaceae from which the goji berry or wolfberry is harvested, the other being Lycium chinense.. Common names of the plant in English include Chinese wolfberry, barbary matrimony vine, red medlar or matrimony vine. Duke of Argyll's Teaplant. - The common name Goji is derived from the Chinese name 'gouqi'. UKSI. Box Thorns are deciduous or evergreen shrubs in the nightshade family with 70- 80 species. Lycium chinense Mill. It is in flower from June to August, and the seeds ripen from August to October. Absent. fruit (not likely to be dispersed directly to grape bunches), seed It is considered the richest natural source of antioxidants vitamin C, flavonoids, and carotenoids especially zeaxanthin, quercetin, and rutin . Now I will introduce some common ways: Chinese jujube and Chinese wolfberry tea take a handful of Chinese wolfberry (about 20-30 grains) and Chinese jujube 3-4 grains. Fully ripe fruit is eaten raw, fresh or dried, processed into juice, wine or cooked as described for Lycium chinense.L. Origin: China and as an invasive species in Europe and other regions. Common names Almindelig bukketorn in Danish Barbary matrimony-vine in English Barbary matrimony-vine in English Bocksdorn in German Lycium barbarum originated in South Eastern Europe to Western China and is now widely cultivated in many countries including nearly all of the United . LYCIUM BARBARUM WHOLE 81Z5L86W8G Possibly Marketed Outside US Source: 21 CFR 352 (2016) . Chinese Boxthorn, Wolfberry, Duke of Argyll's Tea Tree, Gogi Berry, Matrimony Vine. Hunting in Idaho; Seasons and Rules. Category - Dicot. Lycium barbarum, a traditional Chinese medicine plant, is a small red fruit widely consumed in China due to its benefits to vision, kidney, liver, and diseases such as diabetes mellitus and obesity . Two of the better-known ones are Goji . Barbary matrimony vine, Chinese box-thorn, Chinese boxthorn, Chinese wolfberry, Duke of Argyll's teatree, goji berry, goji plant, Himalayan goji berry, matrimony vine, wolf berry, wolfberry Division - Magnoliophyta. Leaves form on the shoot either in an alternating arrangement, or in bundles of up to three. Wolfberry is the ripe fruit of Lycium barbarum L., a deciduous shrub of the Solanaceae family. The Chinese tonic gou qi zi ("wolfberry fruit") is made of the fruit of any of . Primary Disseminule Types. It needs lots of light to grow, growing best on dry sand rich in calcium and nutrients but poor . Common name; English: . Synonym(s) - Lycium halimifolium P. Enlarge Image. The New York Flora Atlas is a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state, as well as information on plant habitats, associated ecological communities, and taxonomy. Genus: Lycium ( ) L. Species: L. barbarum ( ) L. Taxonomic Serial No - (ITIS) - (NCBI) Representative genome: - Synonyms; Boberella halimifolia (Mill.) Pronunciation of Lycium barbarum with 2 audio pronunciations, 5 synonyms, 1 meaning, 2 translations and more for Lycium barbarum. Canada V2V 7K6 Tel: 604.826.3537 Fax: 604.820.9680 Facebook; Contact Now; Chat Now; Linkedin; Printerest; YouTube; Instagram; Twitter . Lycium barbarum L., 1753. Scientific Name. 31 Swedish-Gloria Mary. Source. Reference: GRIN Proper Name(s): Lycium barbarum Common Name(s): Barbary matrimony-vine Barbary wolfberry Chinese wolfberry Goji Matrimony-vine Ning xia gou qi Category: Approved Herbal Name. They mostly occur in arid and semi-arid climates, and a few are known from coastal zones in somewhat of a saline habitat. Eionet; Network of the Heads of Environment Protection Agencies (EPA network) . Lycium barbarum 'Dynamite' Dynamite Goji Berry Plant Main interest: abundant and early fruiting even in young plants Exposure: sun, rich soil, protection from wind Flower colour: mauve, July to August Foliage: green, deciduous USDA Hardiness: zone 5: -28.9 C (-20 F) View Zone Map Mature height & width (max. long (or shorter . Cultivated as an ornamental and medicinal plant, introduced in Euromediterranean (most), Central Asia, Western Asia, Canada (throughout), USA (throughout), South America (Argentina), Australia (except Western, Northern . Lycium vulgare : Source: The PLANTS Database, database (version 4.0.4) Acquired: 1996 matrimony vine, goji berry. Lycium_barbarum is a deciduous Shrub growing to 2.5 m (8ft) by 4 m (13ft) at a medium rate. The fruit of L. barbatum and L. chinense, known as goji berry, is commonly consumed as a dried fruit. R. W. Smith. Lycium halmifolium Miller synonym. barbarum is available in health food stores in United States and is marketed via the Internet in juice form, typically blended with the juices of other berries and fruits (Cassileth 2010).Dried fruit are often added to rice congee, Chinese herbal medicinal soups slow-cooked . It is related to the potato, tomato, chili pepper and even tobacco. Common Name: Wolfberry / Goji. Description. Top. The leaves and roots of other species of Lycium, such as L. europaeum, when mixed with water, have been used in folk medicine. A unique repository of information on India's biodiversity Common name: Goji Berry: An Annual Herb, growing up to 1 meter in height by 90cm in width. Preferred Scientific Name. Most have thorny stems and small flowers with berries red to purple or yellow. ): height: 5 ft (1.5 m) width: 6 . Standardized common name (English): lycium . LYCIUM BARBARUM ROOT BARK 766SVR5GCU Possibly Marketed Outside US Source: 21 CFR 352 (2018) . Lycium vulgare Dunal (synonym for L. barbarum) Wolfberry - commercially called goji berry - is the common name for the fruit of two very closely related species: Lycium barbarum ( Chinese: ; pinyin: Nngxi guq) and L. chinense ( Chinese: ; pinyin: guq), two species of boxthorn in the family Solanaceae (which also . An article by Vern Nelson in The Oregonian (August 17, 2008) mentions this tendency, and suggests containing them in a 4 by 5-foot square support structure. Currently, the plant grows in many areas in Europe. ID - 50509. Germany: Gemeiner Bocksdorn; Italy: Licio d'Europa; EPPO code. Symbol Key - LYBA4. 9623 Sylvester Road Mission, B.C. It is hardy to UK zone 7. International Plant Names Index link: Lycium barbarum . Common Name - matrimony vine. Lycium chinense: calyx 3- to 5-parted to near half way to base, corolla lobes pubescent near the margin, and leaf blades 5-40 mm wide (vs. L. barbarum, with the calyx usually 2-lobed with each lobe 2- or 3-toothed near the apex, corolla lobes subglabrous, and leaf blades 3-6 mm wide). Pertinent Common Names (particularly those used in California; go to GRIN for other common names). Common Names: Goji Berry, Wolf Berry. L. A deciduous, glabrous, spiny or unarmed shrub with arching, pendulous or prostrate branches. Botanical name: Lycium barbarum; Common name: Lycium bark, Wolfberry root cortex, Matrimony vine; Family - Solanaceae. International Common Names. Common Names. The berries are orange/red, are 2 cm big and do indeed contain . . Monograph(s): Antioxidants Schedule 1: Plant and plant material . Pinyin Name: gou qi zi. Origin. . The berries, berry juice, and root bark have been used for many purposes, but with little evidence. China Lycium Barbarum Common Name Manufacture, Visit Here to Find the Lycium Barbarum Common Name That You are Searching for. A PLANTS profile of Lycium barbarum (matrimony vine) from the USDA PLANTS database : Name Search: name search type enter a search name. Latin name: Lycium barbarum Synonyms: Lycium europaeum, Lycium halimifolium, Lycium lanceolatum, Lycium megistocarpum Family: Solanaceae (Nightshade Family, Potato Family) Medicinal use of Box Thorn: A sweet tonic decoction made from the fruits is used to lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels. UKSI. State Search: Advanced Search: Search Help : Alternative Crops: Characteristics: Classification: Cover Crops: Culturally Significant . 4.1 . Names 20: Related Substances 1: LYCIUM BARBARUM ROOT BARK 766SVR5GCU Possibly Marketed Outside US Source: 21 CFR 352 (2018) . Lycium shawii planted in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. common matrimony vine . Both species are members of the Solanaceae family. LYUHA (Lycium halimifolium) Taxonomic Tree Top of page . Synonyms: Lycium halimifolium Mill. Efloraofindia is the largest Google e-group in the world in this field & largest nature related in India devoted to creating awareness, helping in identification etc. Red Goji Juice Concentrate Latin Name: Lycium barbarum L Appearance: Brown Powder Active Ingredients: Polysaccharides Product Specification:30% Polysaccharides; 100% Passthrough 80Mesh or 100 Mesh . The Australasian Virtual Herbarium (AVH) is an online resource that provides immediate access to the wealth of plant specimen information held by Australian herbaria. Lycium barbarum Taxonomy ID: 112863 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid112863) current name. Goji (Lycium chinense; Lycium barbarum) is a shrub. Lycium afrum Rchb. Lycium barbarum is a shrub native to China, with present-day range across Asia and southeast Europe. Lycium halimifolium Mill., L. vulgare Dunal. Leaves very variable in shape and size, even on the same plant, narrowly to broadly elliptic, lanceolate, ovate-lanceolate or rhomboid obtuse or acute at the apex, usually wedge-shaped at the base, 1 to 2 1 2 in. Answer: Score: 1.01: Is the species highly domesticated? Scientific Name: Lycium barbarum L. Chinese Name: . It was imported to Europe in the 18th century, but had been traded since ancient times for its medicinal and nutritious value. Common Name(s): Accepted Name(s): Lycium barbarum L. Taxonomic Status: Current Standing: not accepted - synonym : Data Quality Indicators: Record Credibility Rating: verified - standards met . What can I do for you? Additional References; ARS Germplasm Resources Information Network (LYBA4) . Mill., Lycium vulgare Dunal. Latin Name: Fructus Lycii. Home Solanaceae Lycium: Lycium barbarum L. Common Name: MATRIMONY-VINE: Coefficient of Conservatism: * Coefficient of Wetness: 5 Wetness Index: UPL Physiognomy: Ad Shrub. Lycium barbarum. Lycium barbarum. 1.1 Other Names: 2 Historical Use of Lycium barbarum. Lycium, particularly L. barbarum, have long been used in traditional Chinese medicine. . Media in category "Lycium barbarum" The following 166 files are in this category, out of 166 total. Hardiness: To Zone 4. Lycium barbarum Name Synonyms Boberella halimifolia (Mill.) Related Species. Likelihood to spread to UK (1 is very low - 5 is very high) 2. They are also consumed as food and used in soup recipes. Plant profile. Qatar, February 28, 2014. Synonyme (s): N/A. It is one of two species of boxthorn in the family Solanaceae from which the goji berry or wolfberry is harvested, the other being Lycium chinense. Lycium barbarum; Preferred Common Name. They are also consumed as food and used in soup recipes. Common Name. Be aware that "wolfberries take root wherever they touch the ground.". In addition, users can learn about the location of vouchered specimens and see images to get a better visual for each plant. Red berries (masie) of Desert Thorn (Lycium shawii, Lycium arabicum, local name Awsaj) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms (Thaghab Al Majda). Duke of Argyll's tea tree. Description: Woody perennial up to 9 feet tall; alternate, lance-shaped leaves; light purple, bell-shaped blooms; oval red berries up to 1 inch long contain small yellow seeds. In the United States, the preferred standardized common name for both L. barbarum and L. chinense is simply "lycium," according to the second edition of the American Herbal Products Association's (AHPA's) Herbs of Commerce. 20160129Lycium barbarum1.jpg. Common Name Language Reference Gewhnlicher Bocksdorn German Korneck, D., M. Schnittler & I. Vollmer . Qatar, April 18, 2014. The berries of Lycium barbarum, a perennial plant native to Asia and southeastern Europe, have been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to treat poor vision, anemia, inflammation, and cough. Click on any image to enlarge it. Goji grows in the Mediterranean region and . See above for USDA hardiness. Current status in UK. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Bees. Lycium barbarum is a shrub native to China, with present-day range across Asia and southeast Europe. LYVU3: Lycium vulgare Dunal: Lycium barbarum L. matrimony vine. Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils, prefers . L. barbarum is a scrambling deciduous shrub to 3m tall, with sparsely spiny stems bearing narrow, dull green leaves and small dingy purple flowers in late spring and summer, followed by orange-red berries . Common names of the plant in English include Chinese wolfberry, Chinese . (misapplied) Family. Scientific pest name. China. 2.1 Lycium barbarum in Traditional Chinese Medicine; 3 Background; 4 Nomenclature. Lycium turbinatum Veill. E.H.L.Krause; Jasminoides flaccidum Moench; Lycium halimifolium Mill. 10.1 Other Names: 11 Historical Use of Lycium barbarum. 3 L Lycium barbarum-3 (fruit) 3 L Lycium barbarum-4 (fruit) 2 L Gallic Acid ~0.1% in Methanol; Reference materials used here have been authenticated by macroscopic, microscopic &/or TLC studies according to the reference source cited below held at Alkemists Laboratories, Costa Mesa, CA. Mr. Justin . Family: Solanaceae. The berries of Lycium barbarum, a perennial plant native to Asia and southeastern Europe, have been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to treat poor vision, anemia, inflammation, and cough. Impact (1 is very low - 5 is very high) 4. ex Webb & Berthel. Names 24: Identifiers 9: Related Substances 1: LYCIUM BARBARUM WHOLE 81Z5L86W8G Possibly Marketed Outside US . Common Names(s) - Goji Berry, Matrimony vine . Preferred name: Lycium barbarum ; Authority: Linnaeus ; Notes. Lycium barbarum Download PDF Comment on factsheet Add to book NZPCN members can select up to 20 plant species and automatically create a full colour, fully illustrated A4 book describing them (in PDF format). Apparently a native of Asia, widely cultivated (e.g., for hedges, because of the thorns) and occasionally escaped to disturbed ground . . . It is widely known for its high antioxidant compounds, primarily phenolics (Yao et al., 2011). General biosecurity comments Lycium barbarum is also known as barbary wolfberry, and L. chinense is sometimes referred to as Chinese wolfberry. along with discussion & documentation of Indian Flora. . Lycium barbarum L. can supplement Yang Qi and take it every day, especially when it is used with mutton, Cistanche deserticola, Morinda officinalis, Jinkui Shenqi pills, etc. Nematode. Parts Used: Fruit, leaves, and root bark. More infos: USDA zone 5. Toggle navigation . The fruit is consumed in many regions in Asiain addition to China, countries including Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, and Tibet all have names for goji in their native languages. Lycium barbarum belongs to the Flowering Plants group. Jepson eFlora Author: Michael H. Nee Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange) [ 1] Scientific Name; LYHA: Lycium halimifolium Mill. Lycium barbarum fruits are red-colored and sweet, and contain large amount of polysaccharides (5%-8% of the dried fruit), . Flowering: June through September. Family: Solanaceae. Diet including polyphenolics and total antioxidants from goji berries benefits vision, diabetes .