Agreement of Increase in Joint Venture Investment between Wuhan Dongfeng Paper Mill Company and Orient Financial Services, Ltd. regarding the expansion of production capacity dated 00/00. Non-members may use the draft Model Exploration Joint Venture Agreement on a similar basis only if the applicable licence fee has been paid. DISCLAIMER AMPLA makes no warranty or guarantee or promise, express or implied, that this Model Exploration Joint Venture Agreement (Minerals) is accurate, complete, up to date, or fit for any use whatsoever. Blue-Orange- Mining Limited, Ghana. This Joint Venture Agreement (the Agreement) made and entered into this 29th day of December, 2011 (Effective Date), by and between DNP Mining LLLP, an Arizona limited liability limited partnership (DNP) located at 42791 Mesa Drive, Tacna, AZ 85352 and North Springs Resources Corp., a Nevada corporation (NSRS) located Mining Joint Venture Agreements. Competitive Intelligence for Investors. Examples of Mining Joint Venture Agreement in a sentence. All forms provided by US Legal Forms, the nations leading legal forms publisher. mining CORPORATION. By this Agreement, the Participants enter into a Joint Venture (Joint Venture) in accordance with the laws of the State of California. agreement means this option and joint venture agreement, including all amendments and modifications thereof, and all exhibits, which are incorporated herein by this reference; hereof Our templates cover a wide range of topics, so we're sure to be able to accommodate your desired joint venture agreement. Joint Venture (other than in emergency circumstances), or suspe nsion of operations for any material asset of the Joint Venture for a period of more than 90 days other than due to force JVAs may be complex agreements dealing with various sets of rules and procedures regarding the exploration, development, construction, production, expansion, How to Write a Joint Venture Contract? Having regard to the substantial equity and/or working capital that the foreign with a head office located at . 2.3. Earn money from your free sample mining joint venture agreement fillable form. By poling-admin March 15, 2022. shall make all decisions affecting the business of the Joint Venture. 2. Under the terms of the Exploration and Mining Joint Venture Agreement with partner FMR Investments Pty Ltd, FMR will carry to partner with in a mining venture, the parties should incorporate a joint venture company which will run the mining venture. Joint Venture Agreement - Arabian Shield Development Co. and Al Mashreq Co. for Mining Investments and Other Business Contracts, Forms and Agreeements. EXPLORATION AGREEMENT. 4.3 The Joint Venture will be an equal 50/50 split in the shareholding and control of the mining project between the First Party and the. Exploration, Development and Mining Joint Venture Agreement. Our templates cover a wide range of MARCH 31, 2008. THIS JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT (the Agreement or this Joint Venture Agreement), is made and entered into as of this [DATE], by and between [SENDER.Company] (hereinafter Exhibit 10.1. 1 page. The template available in PDF can be FIRST NATION, represented by the Chief and Council (First Nation) AND. This type of joint venture is usually formed when a parent company or a main company makes an agreement with its branches or smaller companies to transfer resources (such as technology), secure their intellectual rights or market their products and services domestically. In other cases, between 2 mining companies, one national and one foreign. In order to legally get into a joint venture of any kind, all parties should sign a joint venture agreement form. We have the template to help you create this document as desired. Download it in Word format. With our editable Word format joint venture agreement template anyone can now make a legally binding document. Mining Joint Venture Agreement Template. If you ever need to prepare a joint venture agreement, has got you covered with its selection of Joint Venture Agreement Templates. Joint Venture Agreement Template Word amp PDF. Agreement means this Mineral Production Sharing Agreement. Create your contractual agreement and enter a new business partnership the right way, all without the need for legal help. It is a template for use in negotiations between the national government of the Limited Time Offer Use a joint venture template written by a lawyer to make sure that all the necessary information is included and that you are fully protected in the unfortunate event that something goes wrong. The simple joint venture agreement template can be downloaded in PDF or Word form by clicking on the links below. (1) For the purposes of this Agreement, except as otherwise defined herein, the following capitalized words and phrases when used herein have the following meanings: -2- (a) 1.8% Download this Sample Mining Joint Venture Agreement Template - Google Docs, Word, Apple Pages, PDF Format Get access to ALL Templates, Designs & Documents. Vancouver BC V6B 1P1 . THIS MINING VENTURE AGREEMENT made March 31, 2008 between: NEW JERSEY MINING COMPANY, an Idaho corporation (NJMC) - and -. Did you know dozens of people were looking for a fillable sample of Mining Joint Venture Agreement form 2. represented by R. Smith, President and . such activities, or it may enter into a Co-Production, Joint Venture, or Mineral Production Sharing Agreement with Filipino citizens, or cooperatives, partnerships, Mining Act of 1995. 2.2. The MMDA is not such an agreement. _____(12)____ shall manage and control the affairs of the Joint Venture to the best of its ability and shall use its best efforts to carry out the business of the Joint Venture. March, 2004: Edition 1 of CIDB document 1017 Page 6 CIDB Joint Venture Agreement 4.2.3 Decisions Each Representative shall have one vote on the Management Committee and The agreement attempts to cover the life of the mining project and so could endure for many decades. Chief Executive Officer (Mining Corp) collectively the Parties WITNESSES THAT WHEREAS: between Golden Phoenix, Scorpio Gold (US) Corporation and Scorpio Gold Corporation, dated December 31, 2009 (the Members Agreement). The rights and obligations of the Participants will be as the host country and the foreign mining company, the "investor". For the purposes of developing a piece of land this joint venture agreement can be signed between the local government and a private company. The members of the Joint Venture are bound by a legal agreement that specifies the degree of control the parties enjoy and the extent of profit or loss that is shared. the relationship between the parties will be subject to a shareholders' agreement which will incorporate the following terms: 4.1.1 no shares in the capital of the company will be Those individuals executing the Joint Venture Agreement and who represent the owner of the properties set forth on Schedule B, shall be permitted to become members of the Joint Venture subject to the following terms and conditions. (g) JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT or THIS AGREEMENT shall mean this present Agreement and shall include any subsequent written modification and amendments thereto. The JV agreement should therefore include provisions relating to the function, powers and duties of the Management, Joint THIS AGREEMENT dated as of _____, BETWEEN. It does include provisions leading to the adoption of a Mining Joint Venture Agreement. It does not include farm-in provisions. The draft Model is not intended as a rigid precedent to be adopted without amendment. Rather it is a guide which includes representative provisions across all matters normally covered in such an agreement. JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT. The shareholding of such joint venture company should be at least 51% to the indigenous Zimbabweans and 49% to the foreign investor. this joint venture agreement (the agreement or this joint venture agreement), is made and entered into as of [document.createddate], by and between [], a state A Joint Venture Agreement is a contract between two or more individuals or businesses who would like to undertake a new discrete project start a new service or do some other type of specific work together in order to make a profit A Joint Venture Agreement is more limited than a Partnership Agreement in that the parties At such, any action taken shall constitute the act of, and serve to bind, the Joint Venture. If you ever need to prepare a joint venture agreement, has got you covered with its selection of Joint Venture Agreement Templates.