In the event of effort expectancy and social influence, despite unsatisfactory of statistical significance, they reflect current context. with intention to use mobile money services. The research empirically examines the factors affecting Jordanian citizens' intention to use FinTech applications. The understanding of the factors that affect intention to use mobile banking services enables banks to target bottlenecks of this adoption and improve their services (Zhou et al., 2010). Financial technology (Fintech) innovation has brought a dynamic change to the financial sector as new products and services are offered by conventional banks and other companies offering banking services through various online platforms. This paper investigates the impact of perceived usability, perceived security, perceived service quality, and confirmation on users' continuance intention to use MIM. With survey data of 433 customers from three key economic areas in Vietnam, the result shows that the factors of expected efficiency, cost, expected effort, brand image, perceived risk, and social influence impact behavioral intention to use online banking services. Qualitative and quantitative research are the main methodology in this research. J. Revels, D. Tojib, Y. Tsarenko. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh trust, perceived ease of use, subjective norm, perceived usefulness, dan perceived price terhadap behavioral intention to use GoRide pada pengguna aplikasi Gojek di DKI Jakarta.Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dan penelitian kausalitas, di mana variabel diukur dengan skala 5 poin likert. Mobile banking mobile banking while factors like ability, integrity, benevolence, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use relative cost and time advantages are positively related with the intention to use mob. Study classic model (Hb-Hypothesis formulation in Section 2.5 ). Those factors used in this study were the extension of Technology. Mobile e-wallet or digital e-wallet is one of the emerging Financial Technologies (FinTech) that has become extremely prevalent during . Based on Technology Acceptance Model, a research framework has been developed to test the proposed hypotheses. " "Factors Influencing the Intention to Use Mobile Banking Services in Bangkok, Thailand" ." . Saremi. As mobile payments play an important role in mobile business, understanding the factors attracting consumers to mobile payment will bring mobile businesses more opportunities for development, and further . This study aims to examine the influence of five factors toward the reusing of Mobile Bank Central Asia (BCA) in Bandung. The most dependent perceived characteristics on the type of banking service are also shown. Abstract: This study analyzes the factors affecting the intention of using mobile applications (apps) for room-sharing in Vietnam.The research model is inherited and developed based on the unified theoretical model of technology acceptance and use (UTAUT2) by the specific conditions of Vietnam. In brief, it suggests that the intention to use technology is affected by four constructs, namely performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating condition (Venkatesh, Morris, Davis & Davis, 2003). Second, this research aims to understand how SSTs' characteristics The popularity of self-service technologies, particularly in the banking industry, more precisely with electronic banking channel services, has undergone a major change as individuals' lifestyles develop. 2. FinTech innovation uses mobile technology to give easy and smooth access to consumers and satisfy their needs. The convenience feature of mobile payment has replaced interactions with physical money and reduced transaction time, which better meets the demand of modern people for convenience in life. this study aims to (a) identify perception factors that affect current mobile banking (m-banking) consumers' continuous use of the technology, (b) explain the self-service technology (stt) dimensions that affect customers' behavioral intention, and (c) be able to offer recommendations to the banking industry or other organizations related to Introduction In recent years, banks have focused on exploiting the retail market. Mobile banking is a service that provides customers with a channel to interact with a bank via a mobile device (Barnes & Corbitt, 2003). Service suppliers should realize that customers tend to use free applications (Hsu & Lin, 2015). Price is negatively related to the continuance intention to use mobile payment. This paper utilises the decomposed theory of planned behaviour DTPB to explain how these determinants. These key factors, including perceived usefulness, perceived risk, social influence, trust and perceived ease of use, have significant impact over consumers' intention to use mobile payment. Literature review and theoretical background 2.1. Smart PLS 3.2.7 was used to construct a structural equation modelling framework to estimate the influencing factors of medical students' continuance intention to use mobile health apps. Downloadable (with restrictions)! In this study, we will investigate consumer's intention to use e-payment. The purpose of the paper is to explore the determinants (in terms of demographic, personal and behavioral factors . The convenience feature of mobile payment has replaced interactions with physical money and reduced transaction time, which better meets the demand of modern people for convenience in life. We specifically focused our attention on perceived risk, perceived usefulness, and trust in mobile banking adoption. Based on the research conceptual model, five hypotheses were developed and tested using structural equation modeling techniques (SEM-PLS). "Factors Affecting Sustainable Intention to Use Mobile Banking Services," SAGE Open, , vol. We extend previous studies by investigating how other factors i.e., client demand, banking services and the quality of mobile banking applications can influence users' intention to use mobile banking applications. Factors Impacting Consumer Behaviour on NAGAD, the . Past studies have only shown that factors such as security and privacy can affect users' trust in mobile banking (Arcand, 2017). Therefore, the study aims to discover the main factors shaping behavioral intention to use mobile wallets in Vietnam. Abstract: In the context of fintech and industrial revolution 4.0, the banking system worldwide has significantly developed mobile banking services at a great pace in order to promote economic performance.The aim of this analysis is to estimate factors that impact on the customers' use of mobile-banking services in the typical case in Vietnam nowadays. It is hypothesised that religiosity, perceived lifestyle and personal innovativeness are three additional important determinants that affect consumer attitude and ultimately the consumer intention towards using mobile banking. Mobile banking services are one of the most promising recent technological innovations. View Project work_Factors Impacting Consumer Behaviour on NAGAD, the Mobile Banking Service.docx from BUSINESS A MISC at Khulna University. Information Systems Journal. Factors Affecting Sustainable Intention to Use Mobile Banking Services P. Naruetharadhol, C. Ketkaew, +4 authors N. Gebsombut Business SAGE Open 2021 This study aims to (a) identify perception factors that affect current mobile banking (M-banking) consumers' continuous use of the technology, (b) explain the self-service technology (STT) dimensions The primary empirical data This change has affected individuals' decisions about accepting any new Information Technology, and Information Communications Technology services that are electronically mediated, for . The purpose of this research paper is to develop and examine a research model to understand the factors that affect the intention to use mobile banking services in Saudi Arabia. This paper identifies key antecedents influencing the mobile banking acceptance. Under the background of global cross-border mobile commerce (m-commerce) integration, the importance of cross-border payment research is becoming increasingly prominent and urgent. As mobile payments play an important role in mobile business, understanding the factors attracting consumers to mobile payment will bring mobile businesses more opportunities for development, and further . the results show that: (1) perceived usefulness affects positively the intention to use e-filing, (2) perceived ease of use affects positively the intention to use e-filing, (3) security and privacy affects positively the intention to use e-filing, (4) complexity affects negatively the intention to use e-filing, (5) readiness technology taxpayers offering a suitable M-banking application for the banking industry. 11(3), pages 21582440211, July. The sample of the research comprised 500 potential FinTech service users in Jordan. Even though these studies enriched the understanding the main predictors of the adoption of e-banking in Jordan, there are other relevant factors such as payment security and the Bank Credibility,. The proposed research model was developed by extending the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) with culture and perceived security into the model, in order to determine the significance factors that influence acceptance of e-payment technology. The Covid-19 pandemic reveal the need for structural reforms in various economic sectors including the banking sector. Finally, the research results are crucial scientific information for bank managers to enhance the banking service. Suoranta, M. (2003) conclude that Mobile banking is a relatively new service offered by banks to customers, and because of the convenience and features that save time and customers appreciate the services. Results: The external characteristics of mobile health apps had a positive influence on perceived ease of use ( = 0.378, P < 0.001). Stiff competition in the mobile instant messaging (MIM) market underscores the importance of continuance use of MIM to ensure sustainable growth of service providers. Besides, direct positive influences from two variables to behavioral inten- International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 19: 69-82. 35 Further studies have clarified that both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness play crucial role in user's continuance intention of one . As such, paid mobile payment applications may negatively affect . Premised on these findings, this study suggests that banks need to improve Mobile Banking to ensure users can enjoy and have good experience in the course of performing task related to banking services. World Bank (2016), SMEs play a pivotal role towards sustainable development. In other words, these factors positively affect consumers' spending patterns and consumption habits. Hwang and Yu (2016) found that socially influential factors, such as perceived ease of use/usefulness/risk, as well as the subjective norm related to the technical characteristics of mobile easy payment, affect the active acceptance of mobile easy payment. primarily focused on traditional banking clients' behavioral intention toward their bank's mobile banking facilities in Bangladesh. As predicted, the findings show that there are positive relationships among all determinants. Based on a paper-based survey of 253 respondents, the study utilized a Partial Least Squares (PLS) to empirically test the model. Final year business students at a public university in Factors affecting individuals to adopt mobile banking: Empirical evidence from the UTAUT model. This study has utilized the structural equation modeling method to evaluate the causal model with the measurement model's validity and reliability. ( 2010 ), the sample size for factor analysis should be at least 100 or 5-fold the number of observations. Mobile devices have been widely adopted, and their use has sharply increased worldwide. Ho, JC, CG Wu, CS Lee and TTT Pham [2020] Factors affecting the behavioral intention to adopt mobile banking: An international comparison. The classic model consists of eight independent variables (Service quality, Information quality, System quality, Trust, Legal Framework, Risk, Facilitating Condition, Social Influence), and two mediating variables of (Satisfaction and Intention to Use) as shown in Figure 1. Mobile payment relates to any payment that uses a mobile device to initiate, activate, and confirm a payment transaction for goods, services, and bills (Au & Kauffman, 2008).Besides, the usage fields of mobile payment are not limited from online transactions as m-commerce and e-commerce to offline at the cash desk, stores, or . The well-established theories, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) is applied to investigate user acceptance of mobile payments. This study aims to analyze the main factors affecting the intention to use online banking services in Vietnam. Mobile financial services are widely appreciated worldwide, but a considerable fragment of the population is resisting the technology. This research paper will concentrate on defining the factors affecting behavioral intent to implement mobile e-wallet after the COVD-19 outbreak, including perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived health, perceived social impact, perceived value. This study aims to investigate the adoption factors of Bitcoin, a most known cryptocurrency in China. P. Naruetharadhol, C. Ketkaew, +4 authors N. Gebsombut; . Four factors that can drive customer satisfaction towards e-banking are cloud services, security, e-learning, and service quality. The above . This study empirically concluded that consumers intention to adopt mobile banking services was significantly influenced by social influence, perceived risk, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use. Compared to other e-banking services, the development of mobile banking (m-banking) regarded the fastest. Purpose - This study investigates the influential factors of mobile banking service quality dimension (enjoyment, security, ease, design, and application system) of Indonesian Islamic banks toward In this study, we developed a conceptual model to explore mobile banking services for user behavior in the financial banking industry in intention adoption. Thus, with the 23 initial variables, the minimum sample size should be 115. However, Perceived Ease of Use and Personal Innovativeness did not have significant effect on Mobile Banking Continuous Usage Intention. A.R. Perceived trust, security, convenience, ease of use and usefulness (PT, PS, PC, PEU, and PU) are considered to be factors affecting customer experience. The research extends the original Technology Acceptance Model, by incorporating two cognitive antecedents, namely, autonomous motivation and controlled motivation, in addition to trust components for understanding adoption. First, this research seeks to identify factors that cause current consum- ers to continue using M-banking applications. Mobile payment, on the other hand, involves the use of a mobile device to make payments for goods or services either at the point of sale or remotely (KPMG, 2011 ), and it is increasingly being used in . According to a report from the Global Association of Mobile Operators, global mobile phone users exceeded 5.1 billion in 2020, among them, over 1.2 billion users are accounted for in China ().Meanwhile, various mobile services are significantly developed and implemented in different industries. The research results showed that five factors affect the intention to use commercial banks' banking services in Dong Nai province. 1. Service providers should find a suitable way to maintain user loyalty when using m-payment services. This research has three objectives. While subjective norms had a significant effect on the intention to adopt, three attributes of mobile banking (compatibility, perceived usefulness, and perceived risk) were found to have indirect. Understanding consumer intention to use mobile services. Initially, a survey has suggested that perceived usefulness and ease of use affect university students continue intention to use mobile health applications, it does not involve empirical study. The important value of this study is to empirically research the influence power of key elements in using two different mobile payment (m-payment) platforms in Korea. Technology in Society, 63, 101360. This study aims to (a) identify perception factors that affect current mobile banking (M-banking) consumers' continuous use of the technology, (b) explain the self-service technology (STT) dimensions that affect customers' behavioral intention, and (c) be able to offer recommendations to the banking industry or other organizations related to M-banking in terms of developing M-banking . Factors Affecting Employees' Intention to Use e-Training in Organisations . The primary data were acquired through a structured questionnaire from 200 customers. Hence, the strategy to focus on supporting SMEs will uplift the economies of developing countries such as . Behaviour and previous literatures, five factors were hypothesized to influence the intention to use the payment solution, namely perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trust, perceived price level, and peer influence. The results of this analysis indicated that behavioural intention towards adoption of mobile banking services was influenced by habit (HB), perceived security (PS), perceived privacy (PP) and . The data have been collected via a survey questionnaire from 385 Chinese respondents. Montazemi, H.Q. MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF CONSUMER AND FAMILY ECONOMICS Vol 25, 2020 67 The objective of this study was to identify factors influencing the adoption of mobile banking service. Mobile payment services adoption across time: An empirical study of the effects of behavioral beliefs, social influences, and personal traits. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze the contextual relationships among a set of measures that influence the adoption of mobile financial services (MFSs). 2011; 21(3), 269-99. " "Factors Affecting the Consumer Acceptance Towards Fintech Products and Services in Malaysia" ." Australasian Marketing . Although popular amongst a younger generation, uptake is significantly lower among the older generation of those aged 55+, with some attributing this to cyber security and privacy concerns. Factors affecting Internet banking pre-usage expectation formation. Introduction. at the growth level in the industry of Bangladesh. The multiple linear . This study aims to identify the factors affecting mobile payment (m-payment) adoption intention in India by proposing a conceptual framework based on technology acceptance model (TAM). Factors Affecting Sustainable Intention to Use Mobile Banking Services. Figure 1. 2.1 Mobile Payment and Current Status of Payment in Vietnam. In Greece the banking sector needs to promote structural reforms promoting new products and services or improve existing ones to improve contactless transactions. Google Scholar; . This study aims to investigate the factors influencing the adoption of digital banking by retail banking customers. The paper employed the interpretive structural modeling technique to formulate . A theoretical model was developed based on an extended technology acceptance model to conceptualize the linkage among the factors impacting digital banking adoption. We have reviewed factors that can affect the user's intention, including the Perceived Benefit (PB), Perceived Risk (PR), Belief (B), and Social Influence (SI), and rely on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) model in this research. significant determining factor for mobile banking services acceptance Exploring consumer adoption of proximity mobile payments Slade et al., (2015) Performance expectancy had the most significant influence on behavioural intention towards mobile payment NFC The Impact of Use Context on Mobile Payment User Adoption: An Empirical the infancy stage in Vietnam. The . This study modified the concept of a technology acceptance model (TAM) within the context of mobile banking. It is seen that the factors such as perceived usefulness [ 18 ], perceived ease of use, [ 18, 20 ], innovativeness [ 21 ], trust, motivation [ 22 ], and risk [ 23] are found as the most significant factors to investigate the behaviors of professionals toward adapting the BCT in CISs. The aim of this study is to explore the effect of user behavior and guidance on the mobile banking services intention adoption structure model among . The most significant positive impact was of social influence on consumers intention to adopt mobile banking services. Phaninee Naruetharadhol & Chavis Ketkaew & Niracha Hongkanchanapong & Piranat Thaniswannasri & Techin Uengkusolmongkol & Sirapassorn Prasomthong & Nathatenee Gebsombut, 2021. this study aims to (a) identify perception factors that affect current mobile banking (m-banking) consumers' continuous use of the technology, (b) explain the self-service technology (stt). This paper is comprehensively designed to identify influential factors of reusing non-traditional mobile financial services like bKash, Rocket, Nagad etc. The convenience and accessibility of mobile banking applications has resulted in this becoming the preferred method of banking in the UK. Abstract The objective of this paper is to present a framework to study the behavioral intention of customers to use mobile banking service in Bangladesh.Though many companies have taken initiatives to make it popular among the customers, there is still no sign of significant progress. According to Hair et al. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(1), 129-142. The MTAM model ( Ooi & Tan, 2016) defines the most crucial factors influencing intention when formulating a business model and delivering it through mobile technology. The extended unified theory of acceptance and . the TAM tries to elucidate how several factors can affect users' final decision to adopt and use a . Crossref, Google Scholar; Humbani, M and M Wiese [2019] An integrated framework for the adoption and continuance intention to use mobile payment apps. [18] Yu, C.-S. (2012). The extended version of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with perceived enjoyment and trust was considered as a theoretical foundation for this study. In addition to construct of TAM, four user-centric constructs have been added to evaluate m-payment adoption intention in India. This research aims to identify and explore key factors that affect the decision of whether to use mobile payments. Blockchain-based financial transactions can be distinguished into three stages: first is the initiation stage where a customer buys and sells the financial assets to access the blockchain network, second is the incorporation of stakeholders for verification of financial assets, and third is a blockchain ledger to keep records of transactions. 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