In this section, where there are statistically significant differences between groups to the 95% level, this will be stated. Where differences are not referred to as being statistically significant these are either not statistically significantly different, or differences have not been tested. , Pupils at the end of Key Stage 4 are typically aged 15 and 16; please see A Technical Guide to Statistics on Ethnicity and the Criminal Justice System, 2020 for further details. In contrast, 85% of prisoners aged 50 or over were White. Of offenders receiving either type of order, 84% were White, 6% Black, 5% Asian, 3% Mixed ethnic groups and 1% Chinese or Other ethnic groups. , New methodology introduced in the 2015/16 cohort, used to measure proven reoffending, reduced twelve-monthly cohort to a three-monthly cohort and changed data source following probation services reforms. The processes by which other revisions will be communicated and published. The location in which a homicide was committed showed marked differences between ethnic groups. , Senior roles are as follows: CPS - Senior Legal Manager and Senior Civil Servant; MoJ Senior Civil Servant; HMPPS - Senior Civil Servant; Police - Chief Inspector, Superintendent, Chief Superintendent, and Chief Officers; Judiciary High Court Judges, Heads of Division and Lord Justices of Appeal. Please send any comments to: The British Crime Survey found that most crimes go unreported and found that the risk of being a victim varies by ethnic group, whereby statistics showed that people from mixed ethnic backgrounds had a higher risk (36%) of becoming a victim of rime than blacks, Asians and whites faced. , Due to a change in the data collection framework in 2021, officers who identify as Chinese are now counted under the Asian ethnic group, in line with the 2011 ONS Census classifications. The ACSL for possession of weapon offences fell between 2016 and 2020 across all ethnic groups, except for the Mixed ethnic group . Over the last five years the proportion of children from ethnic minority groups sentenced to immediate custody has increased from 36% in 2016 to 43% in 2020. Between 2016 and 2020, the proportion of defendants remanded in custody at Crown Court has increased for all ethnic groups and the proportion remanded has remained highest for Chinese or Other, Black and Mixed defendants. An infographic is published alongside this report to provide visualisations of key messages. , A SEN statement is a document which sets out a childs SEN and any additional help that the child should receive. The reoffending rate was highest for children across all ethnic groups compared to adults. Where ethnicity is known[footnote 23], the total number of stop and searches increased between 2017/18 (266,000) and 2020/21 (557,000). Our Business & Enterprise Products. When a suspect is formally charged, they are brought before a magistrates court (as a defendant) as soon as possible. This trend varied by ethnic group and reduction in the number of arrests was more pronounced for White (-35%) and Black (-33%) children. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. In certain instances, data has been used for years that are not impacted by restrictions but in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Black ethnic group had the highest proportion of young offenders with SEN at 79%, combining SEN with statement and without statement. The ACSL was longest for Chinese or Other offenders at 14.7 months, followed by Black at 13.7 months, Mixed 13.2 months, Asian 12.1 months and White 10.6 months. The guilty plea rate (GPR) of defendants who were committed for trial at Crown Court increased across all ethnic groups from 2018-2020. , As a survey that asks people whether they have experience as a victim of crime, the CSEW does not cover homicides or crimes where there is no direct victim, such as possession of drugs or motoring offenses. black people were over 3 times as likely to be arrested as white people - there were 29 arrests for every 1,000 black people, and 9 arrests for every 1,000 white people. The proportion of total arrests for which theft offences account has been decreasing over this period (20 to 13%) with a corresponding increase in the proportion accounted for by drug offences (9 to 12%). 477 485-8 515-38. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. As discussed in the Introduction, the 2011 Census data used to create these estimates is now several years old and may not accurately represent the distribution of ethnic groups in the population. The overall custody rate for drug offences has increased from 21% in 2016 to 25% in 2020. The Asian ethnic group (2%) were significantly less likely than the White ethnic group (4%) to be victims of a personal crime, whilst the Mixed ethnic group (7%) were significantly more likely. Figure 7.04: Average custodial sentence length (ACSL) for indictable offences, by age and ethnicity, England and Wales, 2016/20. The Ministry of Justice aims to avoid the need for revisions to publications unless they are absolutely necessary and put systems and processes in place to minimise the number of revisions. It examines offenders' characteristics as reported by . 2,574 White, 355 Black, 296 Asian, 226 Mixed and 107 prisoners from Other ethnic groups completed the questionnaires. Where young offenders received a custodial sentence, the proportion of White offenders persistently absent was significantly higher than the proportion of Black offenders, both for custody for 12 months or less (by 7pp) and for more than 12 months (by 11pp). Similarly, a higher proportion of Black young offenders (83%) had been recorded as being suspended, compared to White (79%), Asian (74%) and Other (74%) offenders[footnote 80]. Of the total sentenced or cautioned, White young offenders had the highest proportion recorded as persistently absent at 83%. A higher proportion of Mixed suspects received the principal outcome of arrest at 14%, compared to 13% of Black suspects, 12% of White suspects, 11% of Other ethnicity suspects and 10% of Asian suspects. Asian prisoners, on average, served the smallest proportion of their original sentence, serving 58% of their determinate sentence in custody in 2020; a trend that has remained stable since 2016. We are trialling the publication of this statistical bulletin in HTML format alongside the usual PDF version and we are seeking user feedback on the use of HTML for the publication of statistical bulletins. , See technical guide for information on the use of section 136 of the Mental Health Act (1983). 735 754-19 947-212. The greatest difference was observed in the Asian ethnic group, where controlling for offence mix resulted in a 19% decrease in ACSL, from 28.6 to 23.1 months. , Crime higher concerns legal representation in the Crown Court and above. In this section, all analysis looks at those in the matched offender cohort who were eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and/or had Special Education Needs (SEN), at any point during KS4. In 2019/20, an estimated 6% of children were a victim of a personal crime once or more, based on findings from the CSEW. London showed a markedly different pattern than the rest of England and Wales. When ethnicity is self-reported, it is based on five broad categories: White, Black, Asian, Mixed and Chinese or Other. , Persistent absence is when a pupil enrolments overall absence equates to 10 per cent or more of their possible sessions. SW1H 9AJ. This highlights that controlling for offence mix reduces the disparity between ethnic groups. Ethnicity 9 2.2 Arrests 9 2.3 Transferred or cancelled records 12 Outcomes 12 2.4 Trends over time 13 2.5 Police Force Areas (PFA) 15 2.6 London 17 Will McMahon and Rebecca Robert This was a higher proportion than any other ethnic group, for example, only 10% of arrests of White suspects were for drug offences. In the three-year period 2017/18[footnote 13] to 2019/20, there were 1,951[footnote 14] homicides in the Home Office Homicide Index[footnote 15], where ethnicity of the victim was recorded. Figure 3.02: Homicides currently recorded by location of homicide and ethnic appearance of victim: England and Wales, combined data for 2017/18 to 2019/20. Her Majestys Inspectorate of Prisons for England & Wales (HMI Prisons) aims to ensure independent inspection of places of detention, report on conditions and treatment, and promote positive outcomes for those detained and the public. Because of this, the statistics presented in this report cannot present the typical experience of a person of a particular ethnic group, but it can highlight areas where further investigation or research may be warranted when looking at differences between ethnic groups. For White adult offenders, the reoffending rate was highest for those aged 35-39 at 35%. The HMPPS Offender Equalities report 2020/21 also includes information on: Mother and Baby units, Sexual Orientation in the Prison Population, Transgender Prisoners, Accredited Programmes, Incentives and Earned Privileges and Electronic Monitoring. The arrest rate for all ethnic groups decreased over this period, each within the range of 4 percentage points (pp) in 2020/21 (10 to 14%). Overall, 79% of offenders who were remanded in custody at Crown Court received an immediate custodial sentence; this has increased by 13 percentage points (pp) since 2016. Cases where ethnicity was not known have not been included in this commentary. , Some police forces were unable to supply complete data, please see footnotes in the BUSS open data tables. You can change your cookie settings at any time. In 2020/21, 77% of stop and searches conducted on individuals from the Asian ethnic group were for drugs, compared to 67 to 68% of all other ethnic groups. Errors in our statistical systems and processes. A proven reoffence is defined as any offence committed in a one-year follow-up period that resulted in a court conviction, caution, reprimand or warning in this timeframe, or a further six-month waiting period to allow the offence to be proven in court[footnote 68]. Crime lower work tends to be relatively high volume, lower cost units of criminal legal aid work. (FBI Table 21 Arrests by Race and Ethnicity, 2016 / archive) 2016 FBI Violent Crime Statistics 11/1/2022 10/1/2022 11/1/2021. Of all defendants who entered a plea at Crown Court for sexual offences, 94% entered a guilty plea in 2020 . Limitations of Current Statistical Information The police in all States and Terri-tories are a major source of crime statistics, but these statistics refer only to crimes reported to and/or detected by police. The proportions of ethnic groups in the prison population has remained stable across the past 5 years. The areas of focus include: Victimisation; Police Activity; Defendants and Court Outcomes; Offender Management; Offender Characteristics; Offence Analysis; and Practitioners. Criminal legal aid can be split into two categories, crime higher and crime lower[footnote 48]. This is a key statistics relevant to the A-level Sociology crime and deviance module. overall, men were 6 times as likely to . As observed in Chapter 5, White prisoners have consistently received the shortest ACSL in comparison to other ethnic groups. This chapter explores police activity by ethnicity of persons stopped and searched and/or arrested. In 2020, White defendants had the highest guilty plea rate for sexual offences, at 95%. In most instances data are presented in terms of calendar years (up to 2020) and financial years (up to 2019/20), reflecting the reporting cycles and data collection of the agencies contributing information for this publication. Over the past 5 years, the most common sentence given for indictable offences across all ethnic groups was immediate custody, accounting for 35% of all offenders sentenced in 2020 (where ethnicity is known). The overall style and composition of the report have also been changed: the condensing of commentary is intended to make it easier for readers to interpret the relative experiences of ethnic groups throughout the CJS. In 2020, the proportion remanded in custody was higher for Chinese or Other (51%), Black (49%) and Mixed (47%) defendants compared to Asian (41%) and White (40%) defendants. The largest increases . By ethnicity and socio-economic group. The total number of all arrests (where ethnicity is known) decreased by 21% between 2016/17 and 2020/21; this decrease was relatively consistent across most ethnic groups. They include statistics on: Victims of crime, Police activity (stops and searches, and arrests), This is the latest . , See Appendix II for concordance in ethnicity reporting between these sources, More information on Relative Rate Indexes can be found in the technical guide. Controlling for offence mix across ethnic groups showed reduced disparity in Average Custodial Sentence Lengths and Custody Rates. A 21% decrease was seen in requirements started under suspended sentence orders. , This figure includes 96 victims of Hillsborough and four victims of the Westminster Bridge attack in the year ending 2017, and 31 victims of the terrorist attacks that involved multiple victims, including the Manchester Arena bombing, and the London Bridge attack recorded in the year ending 2018. In 2020, the custody rate was highest for the Chinese or Other ethnic group, at 64% and lowest for the Mixed ethnic group at 48%. Drug offences accounted for 40% of convictions for Black offenders, 39% for Asian offenders, 32% for Mixed ethnicity offenders, 31% for Chinese or Other ethnic groups, and 19% for White offenders. 3 The rape figures in this table are aggregate totals of the data submitted based on both the legacy and revised Uniform Crime Reporting . Ethnicity refers to an identity based on belonging to a group defined by common cultural or national traditions. As such, the homicide data in this chapter will not be related to population numbers[footnote 16]. High levels of missing ethnicity data would be of concern, both in terms of sample sizes and the risk of systematic bias. In acknowledgement of the subjective, multifaceted and changing nature of ethnic identification, we use self-identified ethnicity where this data is available[footnote 5]. In comparison to all other ethnic groups, higher proportions of White prisoners reported more positive experiences, including feeling respected by staff, feeling safe from COVID and having enough cleaning facilities. Figure 6.01: Number and proportion of prisoners in England and Wales, 2016 to 2020, by ethnicity, Figure 6.02: Proportion of prisoners by ethnicity and age group, England and Wales, 30th June, 2020. Figure 5.05: Percentages of sentencing outcomes for all ethnicities, 2020, England and Wales. Over the past five years, concordance rates[footnote 40] for immediate custodial sentences across all ethnic groups (excluding Missing/Not Stated) increased from 73% in 2016 to 90% in 2018, followed by a small decrease to 87% in 2020. Publish a time-series of revisions due to errors in our statistical processes and procedures so we can monitor the quality of our outputs. Similar to trends in adults, children from the Asian ethnic group (3%) were significantly less likely to be victim of personal crime than those from the White ethnic group (7%). Arrests for children have been declining at a faster rate than arrests for adults, down 33% and 20% respectively since 2016/17. The overall ethnicity trends for stop and searches tend to be influenced by stop and searches conducted in London, due to Londons ethnic composition compared with the rest of England and Wales. , We were only able to match data on those children who are both in DfE and MoJ datasets so cannot provide analysis specifically for non-offenders with these characteristics. In the latest year, suspicion of drugs and offensive weapons were the two most common reasons for stops across all ethnic groups. A pupil may be excluded for one or more suspensions up to a maximum of 45 school days in a single academic year. In the 2020/21 HM Inspectorate of Prisons survey, prisoners from ethnic minority groups reported more negative results across the survey. The total number of arrests have gone down over the last five years, in line with the declining crime rates. These include: Survey data from Her Majestys Inspectorate of Prisons Annual Report, (New) Understanding Educational Background of Offenders (MoJ/ DfE data share). Custody Rate and Average Custodial Sentence Length (ACSL). Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. This is especially apparent when comparing to the ethnic breakdown of the population of England and Wales[footnote 1]. 6. There was a greater number of male than female homicide victims in all ethnic groups. All official statistics should comply with all aspects of the Code of Practice for Statistics. Simon Hallsworth and Tara Young (2008) were sceptical, dismissing . 102 Petty France. In 2020, of the defendants prosecuted, 76% were White, 12% were Black, 7% were Asian, 4% were of Mixed ethnicity groups, and 2% were Chinese or Other ethnic groups. theories are . Compared to ethnic minority groups, White clients had a higher proportion of representation at committals for sentence at 22%, whereas 15% of Asian and Black clients and 16% of Mixed were represented at committals. For example, the proportion of Black and Asian young offenders sentenced to 12 months custody or less, achieving any pass at GCSE, was 64% and 71% respectively, significantly higher than the proportion of White young offenders, at 53%. Within the Ministry of Justices statistical publications there can be three main reasons for statistics to be revised: Changes in how either source administrative systems collect information or a change in statistical methodology to improve accuracy and measurement. , Ethnicity is self-identified, and coverage has decreased from 93% in 2016/17 to 86% in 2020/21. These research outputs are not official statistics on the population. This was largely consistent across all disposal types and all three measures of attainment; however, caution should be taken when breaking down proportion achieving 5 or more GCSEs A*-C by disposal type due to the small population[footnote 72]. These proportions have remained relatively stable when compared to 2018. These proportions have remained relatively stable over the last 5-year period. Convictions across indictable offence groups varied between ethnic groups in 2020, with drug offences accounting for the highest proportion of offenders within each ethnic group except for White offenders, where the highest proportion of convictions was for theft offences. In 2020, the Black ethnic group had the highest proportion of defendants electing themselves to be heard at a Crown Court, at 20%. , Caution must be taken with interpreting data from the Chinese or Other group as the population size is very small. , See Appendix I for further details of how detailed ethnicity categorisations are aggregated. Women and the Criminal Justice System and Race and the Criminal Justice System; The Women and Race reports are compendium publications, each bringing together a wide range of statistics related to the criminal justice system, broken down by sex and by ethnicity. The overall custody rate has remained relatively stable between 2016 and 2019, ranging from 57% to 61%. Eight out of 10 black Britons and eight out of 10 Bangladeshi Britons fear "police are biased against people from my background and ethnic group", with 65% of all ethnic minorities agreeing. These data can be found in our Crime in England and Wales: year ending September 2020 release. There was a corresponding increase in stop and searches conducted on Asian suspects (15% to 19%) whilst all other ethnic groups remained relatively constant. Periodically, political and media discourse focuses on the myth of 'Black on Black crime', or the supposed threat of young Black men to safety of the presumed law-abiding majority. Increases in custody rates in 2020 may be due to court prioritisation during the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, and it is difficult to know how this may have affected different ethnic groups. White prisoners reported more positive relationships with staff, with 80% reporting feeling that they were treated with respect by staff, in comparison to 63% of prisoners from Mixed ethnic groups. Data sources to which this applies include Crime Survey for England and Wales. , Includes City of London and Metropolitan Police forces. In this chapter, those conducted under section 1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE) and section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 have been combined[footnote 22]. The largest proportionate decrease was seen in the White and Black ethnic groups (-18% and -17% respectively). Sociologists consider both why this might be and also . Figure 7.05: Proven reoffending rate by ethnicity for adults, annual averages (2014/15 to 2018/19), England and Wales. A higher proportion of prisoners from ethnic minority groups reported experiencing a type of bullying/victimisation from staff in the prisons, at 46% for Black and Mixed prisoners, 44% for Asian, and 43% for prisoners of Other ethnic groups, compared to 30% of White prisoners. This analysis compares the police identified ethnicity in the matched young offender cohort by total sentence/cautioned and those sentenced to custody (12 months or less and more than 12 months). RRI analysis shows that defendants from Mixed and Chinese or Other ethnic groups were not significantly more or less likely to be sentenced to immediate custody compared to White defendants, and Black and Asian defendants were 6% and 4% less likely to be sentenced to immediate custody in comparison with White defendants respectively. Data on prosecutions and convictions by ethnicity is collected by the Home Office and published by the Ministry of Justice. The Probation Service supervises offenders living in the community under a court order[footnote 57], including those starting supervision as a result of a community or suspended sentence and those who have been released from prison on licence. There were a total of 426 homicides in London, where ethnicity of the victim was recorded, in the three-year period (2017/18 to 2019/20). , Ethnicity was known for 99.29% of prisoners in England and Wales on 30th June 2020. In 2020, a higher proportion of prosecutions of Black and Mixed defendants were against children, 12% and 14% respectively, compared to 5% of White defendants[footnote 63]. In the absence of any court outcome, the principal suspect is either the person considered by the police to be the most involved in the homicide or the person with the closest relationship to the victim. Prior to 2019/20, Chinese arrests are counted within Other Ethnic Group. , The Police National Computer has a 6+1 ethnicity classification. In the 2018/19 cohort, the reoffending rate for adults was highest for Black offenders at 30%, 29% for White offenders, 23% for Asian offenders and 19% for Other offenders. White prisoners reported more positive experiences on their wing/houseblock compared to prisoners of other ethnicities, with 90% of White prisoners reporting that they could shower every day, in comparison with 80% of Black prisoners. The number of knife crimes In England and Wales has risen to a new record high, says the Office for National Statistics. Over half of young offenders sentenced or cautioned had SEN. The crime rate in the UK has dropped to its lowest level since the early 1990s, according to estimates. These proportions have remained relatively stable across the past 5 years. This overall trend is influenced by the higher number of stop and searches carried out in London, where stop and search arrests accounted for 26% of total arrests, which has increased from 17% in 2016/17. Main facts and figures. In 2020, Asian offenders had the longest ACSL for drug offences, at 46.2 months. In 2019/20, 10% of adults . In contrast, across all years (except 2017), Black prisoners have consistently served a higher proportion of their determinate sentence, at 67% in 2020. Black prisoners served the greatest proportion of their original sentence in custody. 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